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Zviad Ratiani
Zviad Ratiani

Born in 1971 is a poet and translator. Ratiani has been contributing to the Georgian literary printed media since 1992. He has published five poetry collections and simultaneously has intensively worked on translations of English and German poetry. Among numerous translations Zviad Ratiani has introduced to Georgian readers are such significant ones as poetic works by T.S. Eliot, E. Pound, R. Frost, M. Rilke and Paul Celan, for the last one Ratiani received the Goethe Institute Prize for the best translation of the year. In 2005 Ratiani was praised with top literary award SABA of Georgia. Ratiani’s poems have been translated into English, German, French, other languages. His poetry has been published in several anthologies among them: Ich aber will dem Kaukasos zu... - Pop Verlag 2015, Germany; Aus der Ferne (Neue Georgische Lyrik), Corvinus Presse 2016, Germany. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Only You are Allowed, 2015; The  Negative, 2009; The Roads and the Days, 2005; The Pocket Air, 2000; The Whisper Tutorial, 1994; Invent Me, 1993.



Literary prize LITERA 2016 in the category The Best Poetry Collection for Only You are Allowed;

Literary Award SABA 2010 in category the best poetry collection for The Negative.


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